
Турнир в городе Мост в Чехии, в Августе. На прошлом турнире принимало участие 12ть стран, около 80ти команд ,в том числе Белый Барс99.
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[font=Times New Roman]Age of players and tournament time:
Born 1998/1999: begin 02.08.13 at 8,00 O'Clock, finish 04.08.13 at 16,00 O'Clock,
born 2000/2001: begin 09.08.13 at 8,00 O'Clock, finish 11.08.13 at 16,00 O'Clock,
born 2002/2003: begin 16.08.13 at 8,00 O'Clock, finish 18.08.13 at 16,00 O'Clock,
[font=Tahoma]Girls category 1998-2001 can be a maximum of 2.year older, Girls category 2002-2003 can be a maximum of 1.year older
<span style=«font-family:Arial]Playing time and system of the tournament:
<span style=«font-family:Arial]Is the playing time 3x15 min of net time, according to the rules of ice hockey. It is played in groups each with each and then play-off for each place (each team plays min. 5 matches).
<span style=«font-family:Arial]Accommodations are provided:
<span style=«font-family:Arial]Hotel Cascade in downtown Most ( 10 minutes walking distance from the ice rink. There is a class
<span style=«font-family:Arial]Bussines Superior class 30 Euro per person / night with breakfast
<span style=«font-family:Arial]and Economy Class 25 Euro per person / night with breakfast
<span style=«font-family:Arial]
<span style=«font-family:Arial]Hotel Ring in the hotel 6 km from the ice rink in the countryside with horse stables. Price per person per night is 20 euro. (
<span style=«font-family:Arial]
<span style=«font-family:Times New Roman]Lunch and dinnerare provided in restaurant at Ice arena.
- Price in the restaurant at the skating rink is lunch (3,5 Euro) and dinner (3,5 Euro)[/font»>
[font=Times New Roman]Applications no later than May 31, 2013 .
The city Most
Most is the small city under the Ore Mountains, cca. 100km north of the capital city Prague. Modern architecture is for this city typical, with a few historical elements, which are survived from ancestral city Most – today nonexistent because of coal mining. It is possible to visit especially moved church of assumption of the Virgin Mary and the view point from the 12[sup]th[/sup] century – The castle Hněvín. Not only landmark lovers have one’s own back. Horse-race area Hipodrom, race circuit Autodrom, but also water area Aquadrom and many others, so is the city Most, too.
Other places
Czech Republic, often as “Heart of Europe” designated, has more than thousand years old history. Herewith it is possible on the territory of Czech Republic to find a lot of historical bequests, interesting buildings, so beautiful cultural productions. Welcome in the land of castles and manor houses, in the land of beautiful and trim historical cities, in the land of cathedrals, temples, cloisters and churches. As a confirmation of this argument is 12 objects on the list of world cultural heritage UNESCO. The capital city Prague belong to the most beautiful and frequented towns of the world.
We are able to arrange the accommodation and catering for ever team, which has interest for it.
Attendant program
Full attendant program is ready for all participants. Together with official gala ceremonials in the beginning and in the end of tournament there is a possibility to participate on skill competitions. 4 players and 1 goalkeeper can participate of each team. They compete in following disciplines – speed skating, shooting on targets, slalom and raiding on goal. Proposal to the skill competitions you can find on our
Enclosed you can find the official invitation, proposal of the all tournament and the register form. If you have any further requests do not hesitate to contact us on .
We are looking forward to your attendance and wish many sporting accomplishments.
Zdeněk Kolman